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Entries in Florida International University (1)


Self Promo lecture to Advertising students at FIU is inspiring and entertaining.  


Last week we were proud and happy to accept the invitation of FIU’s (Florida International University) Professor Margo Berman to chat to her Advertising students about Self Promotion. Professor Berman is an advertising and marketing expert, a creative genius and a fascinating educator, as well as the author of 3 well known advertising books: 

Needless to say, it was an honor to participate in her class. Her students were motivated, inspiring and full of interesting questions, and it all began with a smile during the “swearing-ceremony” at the start of class, where all students must raise their right hands and repeat a small bit along the lines of: “For the duration of this lecture, I swear to stay off all electronic devices, refrain from chatting with my fellow students, pay attention to the speaker and ask good questions”.

It made me think we should have similar “promises” or “commitments” made before starting meetings, phone conferences and the like, to get the rules down.

We organized the lecture into a few chapters: First we did a brief portfolio showcase

  • Then we discussed the Studiorod case study, detailing how we’ve approached self-promotion over the last couple years
  • Finally, we shared our top self-promotion tips and ideas, from the list of pieces we believe to be the “Must Haves” for students starting-out, to actual samples of successful self-promos from specific businesses and designers. 


The feedback from the students was absolutely fantastic and we look forward to sharing with Margo’s next class in the near future. In the meantime, you can download a couple of free-and-useful items here:

Thanks very much to Professor Berman and her class for such a great opportunity to share with her class.

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